sug·ar  flow·er  [·SHoogər] [ˈflou(ə)r]


A flower made from sugar and other edible mediums, usually with gumpaste or fondant. Sugar flowers are oftentimes structurally supported with floral wire. When handled with care, sugar flowers last a lifetime.

sugar flower


I’ve always had an affinity for beautiful things and memorable experiences.  And from a young age, I learned that baking was my way of showing the world that ephemeral beauty can make lasting impressions.

I love seeing my clients’ reactions when they first see their cake and when they take their first bite. Those moments remind me that you can, in fact, have your cake and eat it too. 

In 2020, I was introduced to the art of sugar flowers.   I scoured the internet looking for the best sugar flower artist in the nation.  I flew out to West Virginia and spent 5 days learning from sugar artist, Angela Morrison.  I remember assembling my first sugar peony and falling in love with sugar flower artistry.

In 2021, the pandemic had forced my corporate dessert business to start selling baking kits to survive. My passion to bake and create was suppressed.  My brain was craving a challenge. So I thought to myself, “Why not learn more about cakes?”

Again, I scoured the internet for the best cake maker in the nation and found Madison Lee Cakes.  I flew out to New York for 10 days and quickly learned that cake was not just cake.  It was even beyond sugar flower making and stacking layers of sponge on top of each other.  You were building an edible structure from scratch, exploring flavors with premium ingredients, creating depth and movement with sugar, flour, and butter. I was taught that exploring flavors was just as creative as designing a cake.

Today, when I see anything that captivates me, I ask myself, “How do I turn that into a cake?”

I created Sugar Studio Chicago to create artistic and elegant cakes that are accompanied with unforgettable experiences. Event planning is stressful and I want your journey with us to be a sweet moment amidst the chaos. Say hi and I hope to see you in our studio.

